©2024 by Epiphany Medspa & Wellness
©2024 by Epiphany Medspa & Wellness
Product: Restylane Lyft/ Restylane Kysse
Purpose: To balance facial features, hydrate, and restore volume loss.
Duration: 6-12 months
Product: Restylane Lyft/ Restylane Kysse
Purpose: To balance facial features, hydrate, and restore volume loss.
Cost: $1200+
Duration: 6-12 months
Product: Fotona Laser – 3 Sessions + 1 Scar Revision Session
Purpose: To remove active acne and stop production of new acne, while removing previous acne scars.
Duration: Varies per individual
Product: Fotona Laser – 3 Sessions + 1 Scar Revision Session
Purpose: To remove active acne and stop production of new acne, while removing previous acne scars.
Cost: $1250+
Duration: Varies per individual
Product: Tightsculpt – Fotona Laser
Purpose: Non-invasive way to lift and tighten the area.
Duration: Varies per individual
Product: Tightsculpt – Fotona Laser
Purpose: Non-invasive way to lift and tighten the area.
Cost: $750 per session or $1800 for 3 sessions
Duration: Varies per individual